Do you ever feel like life is running at 100km/hour and you're just trying to keep up?
You’ve got goals, ideas, and things you genuinely want to do like read that book, take up meditation, or finally start that passion project. But somehow, they get sidelined by the whirlwind of daily demands. Sound familiar?
I’m here to tell you that the magic isn’t in finding more hours in the day (spoiler alert: no one has cracked that code). It’s in prioritising what matters and giving it space in your diary.
Think about it… you book things like a hair or Doctor’s appointment, or time with the boss in your calendar, why not everything else?
When you book in time for something, whether it’s writing a chapter of your book from 10am – 12pm, or 15 minutes for meditation, you’ve made a commitment to yourself. It’s no longer just a wish floating in your head; it’s now part of your schedule. You’re saying, “This matters, and I’m showing up for it.” It's your ticket to success!

And the bonus? You’re less likely to double-book or overcommit because you can clearly see what’s already on your plate. And if others have access to your calendar, they won’t book over this time, either.
Plus, when you’ve set aside time for the things that are important to you, you’re more adaptable when life throws something unexpected your way.
Over time, these little chunks of intentional time become habits. Meditation doesn’t just stay in the “maybe” pile; it’s part of your daily rhythm. Writing a book isn’t just a someday goal; it’s something you show up for consistently. Your intentions transform into actions, and suddenly, those weekly, monthly, or yearly goals are getting checked off.

As the incredible Mahatma Ghandi (pictured) said,
“Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, and your values become your destiny.”
What you do now, daily, will greatly impact your future.
So, here’s your challenge: grab your diary (or your favourite scheduling app!) and block out time for something that’s important to you this week. Start simple. It doesn’t have to be a huge project, and it need only be one thing. Protect it like it’s an unmissable meeting (or like brushing your teeth… you wouldn’t leave the house without doing that… would you??)
Because honestly… the most important meeting you’ll ever have is the one with yourself.
This is the beginning of turning good intentions into habits, and those habits into results.
You’ve got this. 💪
(P.S. No, your ducks don’t need to be in a row to get started. Just grab one, stick it in your diary, and see where it leads you 🦆)
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